Offset or digital

Visit cards, flyers, brochures, letterhead and all you need to print on paper is available here with us. The print technologies, which may be offset or digital, will then dipend on the kind of paper to use and the quantity of material to print. Moreover, our graphic designers will help you to develop your project and logo if you still don’t have one. Take a look at our photo gallery and find out our products.


Your trustworthy printers

Lito Cinquegrana is a traditional family business born in 1986 as a small printing work in the suburbs of Naples, Italy. Nowadays, after almost 40 years, we’ve successed in mastering the market as experts in offset and digital print, since we’ve specialized in everything concerned printing on paper, boasting prestigious hotels and famous international brands among our clients.

About us









According to a Newsworks’ research printed paper works as multiplier compared to other sale channels, doubling the effects of television and quadrupling those of other digital channels. Infact, printed marketing material allows to have a deeper impact on consumers, who connect that company to real people, in contrast to digital messages, which are very easily forgot. Here above you have the number of times for each specific industry.

printers of litocinquegrana at work

Let's meet up!

You find us in:

Viale delle Industrie 28
80020 Casavatore (NA)